

<Krill, the future food resource of mankind>

Krill is a word originally used by Norwegian whalers to mean "little fish" and was a term used to refer to a wide variety of floating crustaceans, but is now mostly used to refer to “Euphausia superba”. a translucent, shrimp-like crustacean. They have a lifespan of about seven years.

They reach maturity in about two years after hatching, grow significantly during the summer months, and become a major food source for bearded whales, fish, squid, and seabirds in Antarctic waters. They are zooplankton that cannot swim on their own, and are roughly 2 to 3 centimeters in size and very similar in shape to shrimp. Antarctic krill can reach 6 centimeters, while deep-sea krill can reach 14 centimeters.

Krill is an ingredient that's making waves around the world. They are also known as krill shrimp and Antarctic shrimp because of their resemblance to shrimp. They are crustacean zooplankton caught in the pristine Antarctic waters, and they can survive for 200 days without food.
Krill is considered a future food source for humans due to its high content of omega-3 and unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients. Nutrients like omega-3s, phospholipids, astaxanthin, and various vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are found in Krill.
Countries such as the United States, Norway, and Canada recognized the nutritional value of krill early on and have been researching krill as a future food resource. The European Union has named krill oil as a "Novel Food" and KOTRA has named it as a “global trend that Koreans will be enthusiastic about.”
The reddish color of krill oil is due to astaxanthin, a red pigment found in crustaceans and marine organisms that is a powerful antioxidant. Astaxanthin's antioxidant capacity is 500 times that of vitamin E and 6,000 times that of vitamin C, so that it called "super vitamin E".
Krill is regarded as a new resource that will improve the dietary life of the Korean people. It is also expected to be highly useful as aquaculture feed and livestock feed, and joint development and research projects with various institutions, organizations, and universities are continuing.

<Benefits of Krill oil>

A. Improves blood health by improving blood flow

B. Helps brain health such as dementia

C. Anti-aging and disease prevention through antioxidant action

D. Reduces triglyceride levels

E. Improves immunity

F. Anti-cancer effects

G. Improves skin beauty and collagen production

H. Anti-inflammatory properties

I. Reduces menstrual syndrome pain

J. Relieves arthritis

KOFA(Korea Overseas Fisheries Association) / Chairman : Young-Gyu KIM
(Postal Code: 06775)6th Fl. Samho Center Bldg. 83, Nonhyeon-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
T 02-589-1621 / F 02-589-1630 / 📩 kosfa@kosfa.org
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